Screws and Spacers
Our Ultimate Boards are compatible with many games. You can see the full list for each board below:
Ultimate MPU Bally/Stern Replacement Board
Works in the Following Bally Games:
Baby Pac | Freedom | Power Play |
Black Jack | Frontier | Rapid Fire |
Black Pyramid | Future Spa | Rolling Stone |
BMX | Gold Ball | Silverball Mania |
Bobby Orr | Grand Slam | Six Million Dollar Man |
Centaur | Granny and the Gators | Skate Ball |
Centaur II | Harlem Globe Trotters | Space Invaders |
Cybernaut | Hotdoggin | Speakeasy 2 & 4 Player |
Dolly Parton | Kiss | Spectrum |
Eight Ball | Kings of Steel | Spy Hunter |
Eight Ball Deluxe | Lost World | Star Trek |
Eight Ball Deluxe Ltd | Mata Hari | Strikes and Spares |
Elektra | Medusa | Super Sonic |
Embryon | Mr. & Mrs. Pacman | Vector |
Evil Knievel | Mystic | Viking |
Fathom | Night Rider | Volton |
Fireball II | Nitro Ground Shaker | X's and O's |
Fireball Classic | Paragon | Xenon |
Flash Gordon | Playboy |
Works in the Following Stern Games:
Ali | Iron Maiden | Quicksilver |
Big Game | Lazer Lord | Seawitch |
Catacomb | Lectrnamo | Split Second |
Cheetah | Lightning | Star Gazer |
Cosmic Princess | Magic | Stars |
Dracula | Memory Lane | Stingray |
Dragonfist | Meteor | Trident |
Flight 2000 | Nine Ball | Viper |
Freefall | Nugent | Wild Fyre |
Galaxy | Orbitor 1 | |
Hot Hand | Pinball |
Works in the Following Other Games:
Black Sheep Squadron | Sexy Girl | Black Beauty Shuffle |
New Fathom | Big Ball Bowling | Genesis Puck Bowler |
New Vector | Big Bat Baseball |
Ultimate Solenoid Driver Board
Works in the Following Bally Games:
Black Jack | Freedom | Rapid Fire |
Black Pyramid | Frontier | Rolling Stone |
BMX | Future Spa | Silverball Mania |
Bobby Orr | Harlem Globe Trotters | Six Million Dollar Man |
Centaur | Hotdoggin | Skate Ball |
Centaur II | Kiss | Space Invaders |
Cybernaut | Kings of Steel | Speakeasy 2 & 4 Player |
Dolly Parton | Lost World | Spectrum |
Eight Ball | Mata Hari | Spy Hunter |
Eight Ball Deluxe | Medusa | Star Trek |
Eight Ball Deluxe Ltd | Mr. & Mrs. Pacman | Strikes and Spares |
Elektra | Mystic | Super Sonic |
Embryon | Night Rider | Vector |
Evil Knievel | Nitro Ground Shaker | Viking |
Fathom | Paragon | Voltan |
Fireball II | Playboy | X's and O's |
Fireball Classic | Power Play | Xenon |
Flash Gordon |
Works in the Following Stern Games:
Ali | Iron Maiden | Pinball |
Big Game | Lazer Lord | Quicksilver |
Catacomb | Lectrnamo | Seawitch |
Cheetah | Lightning | Split Second |
Cosmic Princess | Magic | Star Gazer |
Dracula | Memory Lane | Stars |
Dragonfist | Meteor | Stingray |
Flight 2000 | Nine Ball | Trident |
Freefall | Nugent | Viper |
Galaxy | Orbitor 1 | Wild Fyre |
Hot Hand |
Works in the Following Other Games:
Black Sheep Squadron | New Vector | Sexy Girl |
New Fathom |
Ultimate LED/Lamp Driver Board
Works in the Following Bally Games:
Black Jack | Freedom | Rapid Fire |
Black Pyramid | Frontier | Rolling Stone |
BMX | Future Spa | Silver Ball Mania |
Centaur | Harlem Globe Trotters | Six Million Dollar Man |
Centaur II | Hotdoggin | Skate Ball |
Cybernaut | Kiss | Space Invaders |
Dolly Parton | Kings of Steel | Speakeasy 2 & 4 Player |
Eight Ball | Lost World | Spectrum |
Eight Ball Deluxe | Mata Hari | Spy Hunter |
Eight Ball Deluxe Ltd | Medusa | Star Trek |
Elektra | Mr. and Mrs. Pacman | Strikes and Spares |
Embryon | Mystic | Super Sonic |
Evil Knievel | Night Rider | Vector |
Fathom | Nitro Ground Shaker | Viking |
Fireball II | Paragon | Voltan |
Fireball Classic | Playboy | X's and O's |
Flash Gordon | Power Play | Xenon |
Works in the Following Stern Games:
Ali | Iron Maiden | Pinball |
Big Game | Lazer Lord | Quicksilver |
Catacomb | Lectrnamo | Seawitch |
Cheetah | Lightning | Split Second |
Cosmic Princess | Magic | Star Gazer |
Dracula | Memory Lane | Stars |
Dragonfist | Meteor | Stingray |
Flight 2000 | Nine Ball | Trident |
Freefall | Nugent | Viper |
Galaxy | Orbitor 1 | Wild Fyre |
Hot Hand |
Works in the Following Other Games:
Black Sheep Squadron | New Vector | Sexy Girl |
New Fathom |
Auxiliary LED/Lamp Driver Board for AS-2518-52
Works in the following games:
Eight Ball Deluxe | Fireball II | Space Invaders |
Eight Ball Deluxe Ltd | Flash Gordon | Speakeasy 2 & 4 Player |
Elektra | Medusa | Vector |
Embryon | Mr. and Mrs. Pacman | Xenon |
Fathom |
Auxiliary LED/Lamp Driver Board for AS-2518-43
Works in the following games:
Black Pyramid | Future Spa | Spy Hunter |
Centaur | Kings of Steel | X's and O's |
Centaur II | Kiss |
Power Supply/Voltage Rectifier Board AS-2518-18, AS-2518-49, TA-101
Works in the Following Bally Games:
Black Jack | Hotdoggin | Rolling Stone |
Black Pyramid | Kiss | Silver Ball Mania |
Dolly Parton | Lost World | Six Million Dollar Man |
Eight Ball | Mata Hari | Skate Ball |
Evil Knievel | Mystic | Space Invaders |
Freedom | Night Rider | Star Trek |
Frontier | Nitro Ground Shaker | Strikes and Spares |
Future Spa | Paragon | Super Sonic |
Harlem Globe Trotters | Playboy | Viking |
Power Play | Voltan Escapes |
Works in the Following Stern Games:
Ali | Hot Hand | Pinball |
Big Game | Iron Maiden | Quicksilver |
Catacomb | Lazer Lord | Seawitch |
Cheetah | Lectrnamo | Split Second |
Cosmic Princess | Lightning | Star Gazer |
Cue | Magic | Stars |
Dracula | Memory Lane | Stingray |
Dragonfist | Meteor | Trident |
Flight 2000 | Nine Ball | Viper |
Freefall | Nugent | Wild Fyre |
Galaxy | Orbitor 1 |
Power Supply/Voltage Rectifier Board AS-2518-54/132
Works in the Following Bally Games:
Baby Pac-Man |
Elektra | Medusa |
Black Pyramid | Embryon | Speakeasy |
BMX | Fathom | Spectrum |
Centaur | Fireball II | Spy Hunter |
Centaur II |
Flash Gordon | Vector |
Cybernaut | Gold Ball | X's and O's |
Eight Ball Deluxe |
Granny and the Gators | Xenon |
Eight Ball Champ | Kings of Steel |
Ultimate MPU Board
The part numbers compatible with the Ultimate MPU Board are listed here. Please understand there may be more that aren't listed, so if you have any questions feel free to ask. This is our up-to-date compiled list. Also, if you see the name of the game on the MPU Board product page list, it will work.
AS-2518-17 | AS-2518-35 | AS-2518-133 |
MPU-100 | MPU-200 | AS-3241-1 |
AS-3241-2 | A084-91638-AB42 | A084-19494-A371 |
A084-19494-A000 | A084-91624-AA17 | A084-91624-A000 |
A084-91624-A391 | A084-91624-AA44 | A084-91624-A390 |
A084-91638-AA40 | A084-91494-A369 | AS-2887-1 |
AS-2887-2 | AS-2887-3 | AS-2887-4 |
AS-2887-5 | AS-2887-6 | AS-2887-7 |
AS-2887-8 | AS-2887-9 | AS-2962-1 |
AS-2962-2 | AS-2962-3 | AS-2962-4 |
AS-2962-5 | AS-2962-6 | AS-2962-7 |
AS-2962-8 | AS-2962-9 | AS-2962-10 |
AS-2962-11 | AS-2962-12 | AS-2962-13 |
AS-2962-14 | AS-2962-15 | AS-2962-16 |
AS-2962-17 | AS-2962-18 | AS-2962-19 |
AS-2962-20 | AS-2962-21 | AS-2962-22 |
AS-2962-23 | AS-2962-24 | AS-2962-25 |
AS-2962-26 | AS-2962-27 | AS-2962-28 |
AS-2962-29 | AS-2962-30 | AS-2962-31 |
AS-2962-32 | AS-2962-33 | AS-2962-34 |
AS-2962-35 | AS-2962-36 | AS-2962-37 |
AS-2962-38 |
Ultimate Solenoid Board
Direct replacement for Bally® AS2518-16, AS2518-22, AS2518-25, A084-91612-0000 and Stern® SDU-100.
Ultimate LED/Lamp Board
Direct replacement for Bally® AS-2518-14, AS-2518-23, A084-91612-A000 and Stern® LDB-100.